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Stoughton Dec 12th 1981

Dear Doris,

After a rainy night it is warm & still stormy. We are just through breakfast it is little after 7 o'clock being a dark morning I lay there awake in bed. the milk men woke me. Pa woke up before 4 o'clock & was restless. so I went into the front room & so had a morning nap undisturbed I got sleep enough as I go to bed at 8 o'clock there is not anything else to do certainly the days are long enough

Pa is listening in to the mornings news. he dreads the days. I had him do things yesterday & had him go out in the forenoon before it commenced to rain. but it was much against his will. he is afraid of peoples seeing him. he takes off his glasses to save them, then complains because he cant see, that his eyes are going back on him & that he is afraid of being blind. he very freaky & hunting the whole time for bug bears. uncanny talk at night when he gets tired. I have been making corn meal mush for supper. everything going to pieces nothing right. I am the one thats off & not him from