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Stoughton Nov 29th 1931

Dear Doris

Another stormy day Pa is engaged in writing so I will take this time to write the letter as he gets worked up at such a pitch when he finds me writing your letters.

Yesterday he was wild over the heater. Elmer Lothrop had fixed the day before. he got a crazy idea after he left, that he had done some thing wrong out of spite to him. he followed him down cellar & I had said that I thought it useded [[used]] up a little too much oil. & Pa thought so too so he told him & he said 65° was what he said was hot enough, then Lothrop said he could fix it, I was not there for some one was up stairs knocking at the door, so dont know what took place. but I could not see as there was a thing wrong with it. but some how the idea got into Pa's head & it grew from that time on untill [[until]] he got me wild & last night he pleaded with me so finally I consented to call up the Talent Automatic