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Stoughton Nov 25th 1931

Dear Doris

This is another warm pleasant day it may be cooler tomorrow according to the radio. I have been down town & its after supper there is not much to occupy me with & Pa is grumbling I would be glad if he would lose his power of speech, its all he can do. & it's enough to drive one wild so I get out & let him talk. I wrote to Lena to day & went down & posted it the air was so good & it was heavenly to get away if only for a while. Will there ever come a time that I shant hear this constant, trouble, grumble, I am afraid not. I was talking with Mrs. Gilzer & she said her husband was so six years & she is a comparatively young woman. she has had a hard life & her troubles are not over either I gave her a can of tomato soup & one of peas. she gave me a can of, sour crout [sauerkraut] juice you know I told you. I think she is very sensible. their cat has been catching George McGarvey's prize pigeons & so he called them up & told them. she said she told him if he caught her