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doing it again, he could shoot her, as much as they were attached to her, they did not want her catching their neighbors doves. I pitied her, for their cat meant a good deal to them. Pa is worried about the wire he says it will burn us up he thinks it was not done right & not connected on to the main wire he is talking it to every one that comes within his reach. Ralph was here & he told him he would send up the electric light people to look at it. but Pa says he does not do it & he wants me to tell you about it. theres no end to his worried brain. I fear except in death. I hope he sleeps to night anyway. I may get a small fowl for tomorrow, he dont want me to. but we will have to have something. turkeys were marked down to .85 I saw in the window today, I think it must be on account of the warm weather they were so cheap. the windows were full of every thing. I got 1/2 doz buri [[?]] bos [[?]] pears & a few oranges & a loaf of bread for 5 cts a stale loaf, but just as good to toast. Pa is quieting down for the night, he has taken his oil. she says the lubricating of the oil was just what he needed. Ralph takes that same oil. By the way I had a letter from Aunt Molly it came to day. she wrote about what a nice warm climate it is out there. so I think she will be content to stay there the rest of their natural life