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Stoughton Nov 22nd 1931

Dear Doris

It does seem good to see the sun once more. yesterday was a fine warm, sunny, day. Talbot came up in the afternoon & he and Pa sat out in the little building & after I saw them there I went down to call on Sue. she was looking much the same as usual & seemed quite natural. but Alice says when she has her spells she suffers terrible pain. they call it congestion of the lining of the colon of the intestines Sue says that she lived in hell three weeks & suffered every minute of the time, nervous prostration is the effects & she is longing for death. I stayed longer than I intended & after I got home Irma Wayland came. she has part of Saturday afternoon off. I gave her some house plants to take home, she is not so bad as she might be after all. She said the three days Ralph and Maude were down in Maine, that Henry was dead drunk & one of his chums went there every day to take care of him. he drinks & gambles. he must take that from the Brittons, for they were all very fond of liquor, its too bad. I pity his mother & father. its that that's affecting his parents more than the death of Ralph.