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"Webster" crushed the 3d of July
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July 25th Left our anchorage at about 1pm. [The weather pleasant] and followed up the coast hoping to [[strikethrough]] try [[/strikethrough]] get to the N. to Pt. Barrow- In the Eve. We Rached Pt. Hope and to our dissapointment found the ice pack had closed in upon the very shore so that there was not the slightest hope of even a boat getting around it so we had to give up all idea of carrying relief to the whaler "Webster" which the other whalers tell us was shut into the pack just to the north of Pt. Belcher just a little before the 11th of July. The rest of fleet just escaped in time. 
We had prepared an outfit for a boat cruise up the coast but the ice prevented so there was nothing left but to turn back + sail slowly