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over the tundra and a few old tracks were the only tracks of deer seen this far.  As I walked over the country which bore a spare covering of carices + flowering plants though the latter are scattered and much fewer than at any place we have visited to the South.

The bluff on the shore is formed of layers of friable sandstone which becomes more compact close to the coal + with numerous beds of sandstone conglomerate this latter deeming to form the greater part of the formation.

Some hard conglomerate strata + in no. are weathered out into parallel ridges smoothly rounded on their upper surface + rather broken + irregular on the lower side are placed in a series along the seaweed slope of the ridge beyond the valley- and the top of this ridge is made up of shaling fragments of friable sandstone upon the top of the smaller ridges + knolls as well as on the hillsides are numerous burrowed Parry's grounds and a few of the animals were seen through they appeared to be very shy.

Several pairs of stercorarius buffonii were circling about or sitting on convenient tussocks.

Several Golden Plovers were flitting about with sharp cries as I approached and Turnstones were quite numerous circling about and uttering sharp cries showing their anxiety at my presence + betraying the security of their young. Heavy banks of snow lay in the deeper gullies + depressions on the hillside

Transcription Notes:
Friable sandstone and stercorarius buffonii are real things.