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when at home they exhibit none of this hesitancy.

I went on shore + secured a couple of photos of their camp. They presented an animated scene close to the water [[?]] upon one edge + braced by a support [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] were their umiaks all about which they scattered [[strikethrough]] oilbags [[strikethrough]] seal skin bags filled with oil with large junks of walrus & Beluga flesh. here + there just back of [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] each umiak were exacted the lodges mostly of the ordinary conical shape but several were low round topped structures as seen at Cape Espenburg [[sketch]]& men and women in their filthy clothing were moving about or sitting in the Sunshine in front of the tents a work upon small job through the open doorways others could be seen stripped to the waist at work

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31 bot
34 sur
H.Is - midn - July 30-31

packing up their beds + +c-  Outside dogs prowled about while about nearly every doorway naked children rolled about + played with the odd fat little pups which waddling about or climbing over + about their mother made a pretty scene -  Right through the middle of the camp danced + sparkled the stream + on either hand arose the steep cliffs facing the sea which stretched off its smooth [[strikethough]] illegible [[/strikethrough]] surface broken only by the plash of the waterfowl-

Soon the camp was filled with bustle the umiaks launched oil bags, tents, clothing +c. piled in and the wind freshening just then from ahead the natives harnessed in their dogs and attached them to a low line from each umiak and then with a person to drive each team the fleet passed slowly up the coast-