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Search was made all about here for fossils with poor success I have specimens of each of the two species of plants found sparingly in the layers close to [[sketch]] the coat [[coast]]. This latter is in a number of irregular veins dipping to the west + trending [[strikethrough]] N & S [[/strikethrough]] N NE & S SW. as onto the accompanying sandstones.

At 4PM we got under way and stood to the west [[strikethrough]] unti [[/strikethrough]] passing cape Lisburne toward midnight passing on over way through large numbers of smaller animals & small patches of scum like substance - The current set south or west down the coast all the time we were here from the time of over visit to Icy Cape. When we were off the Cape (Icy) the ice was running South a knot + 1/2 [[/left page]]

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per hour. This current holds only when the pack has shut in on the shore near Pr. Barrow + to the south. [[sketch]]

Leaving Cape Lisburne we stood slowly off to the westward to try and make Herald Is-

July 29th

A dense smoky blue haze which shut in yesterday afternoon held all day and rendered everything beyond two miles indistinct + invisible.

The weather calm and warm the glassy surface of the water reflecting the brassy sun + the high temperature with the warm tinted haze around the horizon made one think of sailing [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] tropical latitudes. Now + then a murre would come whirring by to satisfy its curiosity + then dissapear - In the afternoon several times light ice was seen off to the N. and in the EOE