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[[left page]]
only a few lines of hardy
mosses have foothold-
The Island forms an
angle as follows

Mt. Hooper

Sounded alongside Is.
21 fathoms, Temp of 
water at bottom 31 degrees 
Water at surface 34 degrees[[/caption]]

There is a [[strikethrough]][[shame?]]a place to
land on either side of
the neck which is only 300
to 400 ft high & is the mark
of an old glacier course
as is a second parallel
cut off marked N. A shoal
makes off the W. end of Island- 
While we were on top the
ice was drifting by to the
North a mile an hour on
both sides of the island
E. & western- And as far as
could be seen to the N- 
the ice was loose & scattered
[[/left page]]

[[right page]]
From the SW. side we had
a fine view of [[Wraingel?]] Land
Bearings' of the two extreme points visible & descending on both
sides abruptly to the water so
to appear like an Island
were SW. to W. by S. magnetic.
The coast land as we saw it
appeared a tolerably uniform
range of hills 25 to 30 miles
long backed by higher & more
irregular mts. inland.
As far as we could see
toward this land the ice
bore the same character as
that through which we had
steamed [[crossed out]] going to [[/crossed out]] Coming to the
Is. A few snow Buntings
were seen on the summit of
the Is- + numerous tracks
of [[crossed out]] fox [[/crossed out]] White foxes- 
Not an insect observed
The Island is a barren [[crossed out]] rock [[/crossed out]]
mass of [[strikethrough]] gran [[/strikethrough]] Coarse granite
[[/right page]