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Just as we were starting + not 3 minutes after I had finished my photographing on the ice a young White Bear came swimming right up to the bow of the vessel as she lay by the ice + the Capt. shot it - Its stomach was filled with fragments of sealskin with the hair on- The water alongside the rocks on shore was full of small crustaceans and many Guillenots were seen bringing in small fish 3 to 4 inches long to their young. Capt. H. says the whalers drove tried frequently without success to catch large fish with Codlines all about in the arctic N. of Berings straits.
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We left soon after 3 am and spent the whole morning getting clear of the ice which had packed in much heavier from the South while we had been laying at the Is- Once clear of the ice we ran to the S. + west as much as the pack would allow all day the weather calm + pleasant and Wrangel Ld- in sight all day
Off Wrangel Ld
August 1st
[[crossed out]] After clearing the [[/crossed out]] Lay too in Early am  + drifted 1 Knot per hour to S. Last half of am kept a S.W. gradually getting around to west then NWxW course- Until 2 PM when a fog came on and by 3 PM, we laid too High mts. loomed upon the S. End of Wrangel Ld. through
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