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Had the fog kept off today there is no doubt that we would have been on Wrangel Ld. before Eve but we are not (at 7 pm) laying outside the ice waiting for clear weather so we may go in under favorable circumstances.

Ice hummocks

Ice cake & 2 murres

Fog all the eve. Wind westerly,

From Mr. Reynolds who was on the Expedition along the Asiatic shore I have the following note upon the marraige among the Coast people from Japkan to Koliuchius Is. The young man makes himself agreeable to the damsel & if she favors his suit she does small jobs for him such as sewing &c And [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] when the friends note this they know what is coming and as soon as the suitor is preparing for taking a wife he asks the girl from her father and is required to make the latter a satisfactory number of presents of any desirable articles of value and then at a given time the friends assemble & offer a certain start given to the girl he makes chase & if he catches her she becomes his wife & otherwise not. This same custom holds among the chukchees living on the sea coast at Markus Bay between Plover Bay & Indian Pt. Berings Sea 

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