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as the interpreter Joe
from there said he obtained
his wife thus. He [strikethrough]no[/strikethrough](this interpreter who was with the
Corwin in early part of season)
told us that although he
is a coastman now yet
he has a herd of 10 deer
in the hills at Markns Bay
& that if he has no bad luck
he hopes to be the owner of a
large herd in time & then he
is a full fledged "Reindeer
Chukchee" Disease & famine
among the deer herd often
reduce a wealthy deer man
to poverty in a season
Joe told us that it was very
bad to sell a live deer
from a herd and if this
should be done the rest
will all die- Joe noted a
slight shade of amusement on
some of our faces & said

"Perhaps you think it is not
so but I know it is." "I [strikethrough] hear [/strikethrough] seen
dam fool sell one deer and
all rest die" plenty times"
so we were convinced 
August 3rd
Dense fog all the am and
we lay too with the Ridge
out in 19 1/2 fathoms & blue
mud which covers the sea
bottom of nearly all this
part of the Arctic.
At 2.27 PM- the fog having lifted
we [strikethrough] started ahead and rounding [/strikethrough]
a point of dry ice steered due
NW. magnetic heading directly
for the mts on Wrangel Ld-
Whose summits now & then hid
in fog clouds & enshrouded in
blue haze with only a few snow
patches beckoned us on to [[?]]
mysterious [[visinages?]]. About 4 PM-
We entered the drift ice frequently consisting of heavy pieces

Transcription Notes:
Question marks