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with banks rising a few yards in places & with a few hills & mts rising inland between C. north & Cape Wankarem or Wan Ka ri ma as it is called by the natives. In the afternoon the wind blowing a stiff breeze from the S. changed to SW. & blew directly off shore & raised the temp. to 55 and made a striking change from the temp. of the air we have enjoyed for some time past. Not a fragment of ice nor a snow bank along shore & the green tinge of the hills & coast tundras gave a picture of any but arctic weather- at times warm showers fell. In the eve, (5 PM) we passed 5 [[summer]] houses NW of Cape Waukarem and at 6 PM we rounded the Cape & anchored in a small bay close to the main village at this place which contains eleven houses of seal or deerskin stretched over a frame of poles very similar to the framework of the houses at E. Cape & along to the S. of there but here the shape is nearer an equally rounded half dome. In the back half of each house there are at most two [[pologs?]] each for a family & usually one. In the space on either side of the [[pologs?]] are placed stores of oil-ducks &c beside the spears & bow & arrows of the owner. The framework is heavily weighted down with large stones or heavy pieces of old iron, from the wreak of a whaler-, both outside time. As soon as the anchor went down a party launched an umiak and came off. When near they halted