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a moment & then dashed their oars & paddles into the water & came alongside and several of them recognizing Mr. Reynolds who was here in June with dog sled - they all pointed at him laughed as though greatly pleased & one man began to make the motions of driving dogs & calling out &c then pointed at Reynolds - they were invited by motions to come on board & the Capt. passed around tobacco and soon after bought a kinfe & spoon from the wrecked vessel. There were but two women both old & gray headed who came off in this first boat and these remained in the boat while the men came on board. They only brought off a few Somateria Stellerii, S. v-nigra & S. Spectabilis the latter the most numerous but many of the two first species The women were tattooed as in the following sketches

with radiating lines on the chin & two lines down the nose from middles of forehead & 2 or 3 lines down side of face The whole were good natured & not very demonstrative &

[[sketch crossed out]]

Transcription Notes:
&c is shorthand for etc; top of left page appears to be cut out