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This formation of pebbles upon which the present village is built lies but a very little over high tide & covers a number of square miles from the neck around the coast back of the village only here & there has any vegetation secured a footing but in a few places pools of water are seen & mooses & grasses &c have secured a position and the rest of the stretch is smooth polished pebbles in the higher places black and forbidding from the coating of gloomy tinted lichens they are crisply covered with in a dead black & gray mottling.  

I found Tringa maculata & acuminata both rather common - T. alpina in about equal number the spoonbill snipe less common but some 6 or 8 seen in the PM. though two boring ones were all I obtained for number 4 shot is not a success with small snipe. A number of Ring necked plover seen & a juv, shot also one Buff Breasted Snipe (Tryngites rufescens) out of several seen makes up the list of snipi obtained beside which I saw a number of solitary Northern Phaleropes about the pools along shore, while great flocks of the Red Phalarope could be found at any time along shore Snow Buntings in company with full fledged young were common & Lapland Longspurs were less common and a number of yg - not yet quite fledged were seen and a solitary Raven at a distance.

Flying about were now & then seen