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showing considerable concern talking with a troubled air to several men & women who gathered about him. He then beconed [[beckoned]] me back & motioned for me to open the box which I did - then he wished to see the contents taken out & I took out a plate holder which he wanted opened but I ended the display & carried the box myself as he appeared so loth to do it-

From [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] the motions made by him & the others while earnestly examining the box I inferred that they feared some evil to befall their deer through it- 

The broad shingle beach was followed by a wet flat covered with juicy grasses & scored up everywhere by the tracks of Reindeer which had evidently been here a few days ago - Reaching the top of the first knoll we saw a valley 3 miles broad covered with bright green & sloping up to a bald ridge whose summit was crowned by a group of huts - and on a far distant hill another hut could be seen - in both cases the houses were placed upon the most commanding places in the neighborhood. The captain decided the distance to [[too]] great for he wishes to hurry on to the N. so we had to turn reluctantly back to the shore where I made a group of the natives & secured a photograph of them and then the Capt. made them each [[strikethrough]] pre [[/strikethrough]] a present of some tobacco & we returned on board. [note- I saw a man with ring-worms about his neck also several with ophthalmia & 1 man had his hands literally covered with warts at Cape Wankarem