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the young one was usually seen just in front of the mothers nose or at times upon her back. The old ones with their young appeared to keep in parties of 5 to 10 or more & in close company. In the eve, we were leaving Cape North behind & standing for Wrangel Ld.

Aug 9 - Off Wrangel Ld.

Kept on our course until toward noon when we brought up in a dense fog bank and found the edge of the pack about 20 miles off the SE, those of Wrangel Ld. A heavy sea running in from the SE. made us hope that the ice would be well broken up along shore here so we stood the the delay with better grace than we should otherwise have done. In the afternoon while I was gazing out the Pilot House windows into the misty fog I saw a very large white Bear emerge from the dim surrounding mist & come swimming toward the vessel. He stopped when about 100 yds off and being saluted with several rifle balls he turned and was soon lost to view in the fog. The drizzling rain kept up all night and the vessel rolled & pitched heavily about making sleep almost impossible.

Aug. 10 - Off Wrangel Ld.
Laid of all day in a dense fog pitching & rolling and consigning the heavy misty fog which holds me to regions less forged than the one we are in at present. Yesterday morning before we came too 

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