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at 5 PM when we were only about 5 miles off the southern part of the East coast of Wrangel Land. A thick fog shut all view of the shore off except a narrow belt near the waters edge. And had it not been for fear of this fog shutting down we could have easily gone ashore over the ice as the belt cutting us off the shore was very heavy and seemed to be grounded. We were in 15 fathoms with a clay & sticky mud bottom. The fog shutting down we concluded to delay going on shore till tomorrow morning and backing out from the ice stood off shore to open water a few miles out where we lay to.

A number of walrus were seen in the morning off the South end of Wrangel Ld which latter appears to me of a series of rounded mts & hills extending along the coast and rising from 300 to 2500 or 3000 ft. in height.

The fragments of ice along the South end frequently extended 6 to8 fathoms under water.

Where we came in shore in the eve, the ice is much ground & broken up by the heavy swell & winds which have held lately.

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cannot make out a few words on near bottom of left page. indicated with double brackets and "?" Please transcribe the ENTIRE document before turning it in for review. What do you mean the "ENTIRE" document? is that both pages or the entire book. if the book, how can you tell what still needs transcription? If you mean the page, if the transcription is complete except for a couple words that can't be read, isn't that then complete?