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thumping until several times the engine was stopped. This with the weak state of the rudder fastenings made us apprehensive of an accident for as we neared shore we found here & there a grounded cake of ice in 8 to 9½ fathoms of water while the rest of the pack of lighter but still very heavy ice was running 1¼ miles per hour to the North along the coast and should we by chance be disabled we would be swept off into the midst of that vast unknown icy space to the N - where in all probability the Jeannette has met her fate As it was however we were fortunate in reaching a small open space of water at the mouth of the small river whose current keeps the ice off shore a few rods here & dropping the anchor 

Position of the mouth of Clarke's River -

Mouth of Clarke River East Coast of Wrangel Land August 12, 1881

1 = position of "Corwin"

Transcription Notes:
.Image - sketch of landscape, with label 1. in water