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put upon the ice - The capt. & mate got their clothes chests upon the ice and were trying to get them ashore when a couple of natives offered to hep & took the clothes boxes. Before long these men lagged behind and were missed in a short time - The next morning the chests were found on the beach rifled of their contents and later natives were seen with the clothes but refused to return anything. The charts & book of the vessel were torn up & scattered about among the natives the latter refusing to give anything back. The natives were seen eating the canned meats & pilot bread they had taken from the ice and when they were asked for some by the wrecked party they said they would sell back for tobacco. The party got enough seal & walrus meat to exist upon however and remained at Pt. barrow for twelve days and then they started down the coast hauling a boat with them. 3 men chose to remain at the Point others stopped at Cape Smyth and about half the crew leaving here walked down the Coast led by the Capt. & first mate to try & reach Pt. Belcher. They suffered much for lack of food on the way and were reduced to boiling & eating grass while the Capt. & mate going ahead were [strike]? [/strike] four days with but two ducks between them. The Capt. (Gifford) mate reached Pt. Belcher where they remained some time until finally the ice opened off shore sufficiently so that the natives started down the coast in