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umiaks to go to their summer hunting grounds and in four days from this start and on the 30th of July they reached the whaler "Coral". The crew [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] was picked up in small parties along the coast from Pt. Belcher up to Pt. Barrow between this date and August 14th & 15th when the whalers first reached the point as we learned afterwards. After questioning the mate we started up the coast in the eve, with beautifully calm mild weather and followed the coast along as close as the soundings would permit in order to take off any people who might be left. The mate of the "Webster" told us that she was drifted off held on her beam in the ice & dissapeared to the North the day after she was crushed.

Aug 16th Point Barrow

Arose in the morning to find us [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] standing along shore on the course with numerous fragments of drift ice here & there. Along shore with many large fragments aground in from 2 to 6 fathoms. We kept along all the am- speaking several parties of natives who came off in umiaks from some of the many small summer settlements scattered all along from Icy Cape North to Pt. Barrow Each village numbers from 2 to 16 conical lodges commonly covered with pieces of sails taken from the numerous wrecks which have taken place in the vicinity of the stretch of coast along Point Belcher called by the whalers the "graveyard" so many vessels 

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