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the usual tunnel entrance. Standing close beside the [[strikethrough]] summer [[/strikethrough]] meat caches and [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] winter houses are 4 post platforms upon which at 6 or 8 ft elevation are piled the nets - spears & various articles & utensils of household & hunting gear. Scattered irregularly among the grassy dome shaped caches & winter houses and the platforms - were conical lodges shaped & framed like all those seen along the coast this side of Cape Pr. of Wales only the numerous wrecks of vessels along here have supplied their people with heavy canvas covers for their tents - All kinds of whaling gear (bomb guns, lances &c &c beside trunks, boxes & the various spoils from wrecked vessels lay scattered all about on the ground & on the platforms-- Numerous umiaks lay along the shore & seasonal Kyaks were seen all made on the same model as those at Kotzbue Sd. Except that here at Pt. Barrow they are much longer while only the same width The tools & weapons of the natives here are very nicely made of walrus ivory & wood neatly combined as the samples I obtained will show. Unfortunately it was so late when we were on shore that most of the people not on the vessels were asleep so we did not secure much. I saw a fine soapstone lamp weighing about 30 lbs It was about 2 ft. long and wide and shaped & divided off as in the sketch below.