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[[top margin, right hand page]] 
19 Passed Pt. Belcher
20 Passed C. lisburne & Hope
21 to Straits
[[/top margin]]

all along this coast and at Point Hope we saw one native with a Sharp's rifle while I saw several natives at Pt. Barrow showing cartridges for this gun & asking for more.  in fact the first request they make when offering trade is for cartridges which being refused they turn to something else.

The evening shut down gloomy & wet--

The current runs from a knot to one & a half around this point at present. Open water only extends off 10 to 15 miles to the North and West. The Capt. of a whaler here tells of being shut in the pack off to the North of him a long way and remaining fast for a month. A large part of which time he was lying alongside a great floe of level ice reaching off as far as he could see to the North from the mast head. He remained here for days so motionless that the drift lead was not stirred from its original position on the bottom Afterwards the pack opened out & he with another vessel near by managed to escape.

August 19 - Left Pt. Barrow
Early in the morning a number of whaling Captains came on board before we were up and invaded the cabin being [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] anxious to leave to get a little farther on along the N. shore [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] they came to say goodby and leave some letters on board. They expressed much pleasure at the prospect of there being a signal station