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When we were steaming all along shore [[strikethrough]] & [[?]] of the way [[/strikethrough]] up from Point Belcher [[strikethrough]] Red & [[/strikethrough]] Black-throated Loons were common - also numerous flocks of Red Phalaropes and King Eider Ducks with a few V-nigra.

Larus glaucens & L. kotzbuii are also quite common. A few miles north of Icy Cape I saw a pair of Knob Billed Auks close by the vessel. These auks are the same species so common at the Diomede Islands.

When we landed at Pt. Barrow quite a number of Baird's Sandpiper and the Black-headed Turnstones were seen about some small pools. Also a few Snow Buntings and today the Arctic tern was quite numerous darting about uttering its shrill cries. The Pomarine Skau common all up the coast was here also and the natives brought off some Back Brant just moulting their wing feathers. At 2 PM. our mail went on board the Legal Tender and we steamed away down the coast just as it began blowing a stiff SW wind which lasted until evening and with the current against us made our progress very slow.

Aug 19th
Passed Point Belcher, in the morning and kept along down the coast all day as the [[strikethrough]] wind was [[/strikethrough]] surf on shore was too heavy