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the Corwin went staggering along under sail & steam about 8½ knots per hour.

August 21st
Standing along all day across the entrance to Kotzbue Sd-- toward the Diomede Islands. In the afternoon a fog shut down of variable thickness but denser toward evening.

We reached the Straits and passed through late in the evening. the fog and darkness preventing any sight of the shores or islands being seen This is a notorious place for fogs.

Aug. 22d
A gale from the SW. all night with the current against us -- kept us in the straits until this morning as the fog shut down pitchy dark and forced us to go under little steam for fear of striking-- The fog & misty rain held all day with the wind from the same direction & rising in the afternoon. at the same time the fog increased so much in density that between 4 & 5 PM-- we were forced to anchor with the kedge out--

Aug-- 23rd
Fog with gale from the SE. & S. all day we steamed & sailed ahead slowly ppstrikethrough]] p [[/strikethrough]] all day but the dense fog precluded the idea of trying to get into Plover Bay though we cannot be far away from that place.

Aug. 24 -- Plover Bay
The fog lifted in the early morning and we steamed ahead all day reaching