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in tow & took her outside the heads where her sails filled with a light breeze-- Ray went on board and [[strikethrough]] sl [[/strikethrough]] we saluted her with the whistle & flags and she dipped her flag & stoo off up the coast toward Point Barrow. The Lt. says the charter for this schr. to take the party to the point & feed the whole party of 20 men amounts to $4000 and his charter and outfit to not over $25000.
As soon as we cast off the Schr. we returned to our anchorage & the crew was employed all day coaling.
I took a turn on shore in the afternoon but only found som Ring Plover & a little sandpiper and a single Budytes flava & a single Raven
All the way down the coast from St. Lawrence Bay the three species of auks common on the Diomedes were numerous as were also the murre, Kosbues, Kittiwake, Rodgers Fulmar 2 species of Puffins & quite a number of Marbled & Pigeon Guillemot= I have not seen the Marbled Guillemot before this season and do not know where it feeds though it must be somewhere along this coast. The Glaucus & "Herring" gull were rather common & also King Eiders flying in flocks to the South. with also some Velvet Scoters-- The first Eiders I have seen passing south were the day after we left