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back in an amphitheatre like valley a mile or two broad by 3 long -- upon the knoll-like summit of the rock spit at the head of the bay are the stone built sites of the housed erected here by the wintering party of the Telegraph Company Explorers Scattered about lay glass insulators broken bottles, old shoes &c, and small pieces of charred wood as through the place had been abandoned but a year or two since. A hundred yards farther along stood to [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] the oval or round topped tents of the Reindeer Chukchee we were in search of and who were all out looking at our approach. We landed and went to their tents which  were made of numerous fragments of old worn deerskin sewed in a great piece of patchwork of not less than 200 pieces. The men who met us were two tall young fellows - sons of a tall dignified middle aged man who was the husband of one of the women who came down & father of a girl of 20 years or so old whose hair dressed in a braid on each side of face hung festooned with strings of beads. She posessed quite pleasant features with a light complection for a native-- This family occupied the large tent while close beside it was a very small tent in which lived an old couple hangers-on of the other family. Both tents were extremely filthy both inside & out even the ground being covered with garbage &c so that the whole camp smelled very badly. In the rear side of the lodge