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standing in the tent he walked back to the hills leaving the women to recover their wits they best could. Some piles of mossy turf outside were shown as being dried thus & ready for firing to scare away the bears by the smoke & fire when the men are away. 
Their bear spears are kept polished & very sharp and the shafts made of fine straight wood. 
We furnished looking about the tents and then asked for the deer when the people said they were in the mts - beyond the end of the valley 
When we explained that we desired to buy one and wanted the herd brought up the two young fellows took each his spear & started off across the rocky valley at a loping trot with the springy gait of practised mountaineers
These men like all the Reindeer & [[many?]] of the sedentary Chukchen NW. of East cape are tall straight well built sinewy looking men with long legs a long neck & a rather long narrow face as compared to the Eskimo. They all have a frank easy bearing which they put themselves on an equal footing at once with whoever they meet but our experience with them has invariably produced a favorable impression of their honesty & straightforward dealing. We waited here between 3 & 4 hours when at last x we saw the herd of deer come filing slowly through a defile into the head of the valley
The two young men drove them slowly along and [all the dogs of the village had been tied up about the houses when they first started for