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Brown bears numerous here
one tore hole in tent.
A tube used for sucking up water through was seen in one tent - the men carry these tubes in a sheath hung to their belts with a plug of deer hair in the lower end for a filter.

Tame deer kû räńg ú
Wild deer il [[??]] û wílú 
Dog ät äu
Dog sled ú rú [[??]] ó'r
1 nin sä 
2 [[??]] râk(a in fathey)
3 nû rôk
4 nû râk
5 mit ling a
6 nun mit ling a
7 ni ra  ,,  ,,  ,,
8 Am go rot
9 Kon a jin ka
10 min git kun
Man = Ki lau

While at Plover Bay we learned
that a Russian man of war has 
been here & gone north, also
that the "Rodgers" Jeannette
search exp. steamer left here for St. Michaels about a week ago-

Aug. 27 - Left Plover Bay early in the morning we steamed away from here & headed for Berings Sts again into a dense fog which hid everything from us outside a hundred yds radius. Nothing of interest today.

Aug. 28- Diomede Is
Dense fog all the AM- in the afternoon we stopped at the large Diomede Is- for a few hours as the dense fog & heavy NEaster blowing into the straits made it risky trying to  proceed- 
We went on shore & I bought a number of ethnologica I found the natives here living in houses half dug in the side of the hill and formed inside of rough hewed planks like all the houses along the

Transcription Notes:
there are some special characters that can't be typed out