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Aug. 29th Past Cape Serdze Steaming on toward the SE. Cape of Wrangel Land with a rough sea & heavy wind from the NE. all day- Passed Cape Serdze in the A M — and were out of sight of land the rest of day Rodgers Fulmars & the Pomarine Jaeger very numerous in the PM—

August 30th Wrangel Ld- Wind & sea as on yesterday kept on our course till after noon when land was seen and was raised rapidly until when we were only about 20 miles off Wrangel Ld when we found the ice forming a blind lead which shut off in front of us & extended far away to the S- also to the NE- so we

 backed out & stood along the edge of the pack which this NE. Wind is pushing steadily along down the shore- we hope to get in to Herald Is- around to the north of this pack but it is very uncertain.
No trace of new fallen snow could be seen and but very few snow banks were visible— The ice is much as when we left at this part of the Coast.

Aug 31st Herald Is— Early in the morning we stood back around the ice to the north and headed in for Herald Is- which came in sight in the middle the forenoon The high north east wind and heavy sea which continued all last night increased so much during the day that soon after noon we were