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forced to lay to, about 10 miles from the island.

By Eve, a heavy gale and a very heavy sea made the Corwin roll & plunge about in a very nasty manner.

September 1st

The gale & sea from the NE. continued with increased violence all day and we kept our position hove to all day, for it was so rough that had we tried to go anywhere the boats on the davits would be rolled under and washed away. As it was they were frequently dipped well into the massive green sea rolling by and the decks were frequently washed by the heavy swell. The ice breaker was Torn off the bow & lost this afternoon.

Sept. 2

Laid too in the still continued gale from the NNE until 2 PM. when the rudder [[strikethrough]] chop [[/strikethrough]] chain was broken by a heavy sea. As soon as this was repaired at 3 PM we got under way and started off for Kotzbue Sd. We were continually shipping seas & in the AM. took in two boats on deck to prevent their rolling into the water & being torn loose from the davits. The rudder is so weak from its being broken & poorly mended the first part of the season. Numerous snow squalls all the first two-thirds of the day.

The lowering sky, with the sweeping waves of a dark sullen greenish heaving the Corwin about, the decks sloppy & cold and everything 

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