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Native Village on SW. Point of St Lawrence Is.
Copied from sketch by J. Muir Summer 1881-
At this place about 100 dead natives victims of famine two years ago were found — only about 15 survivors in two summer houses on the hills. 

of phosphorescent globules flashing out & disappearing like fireflies and with nearly as great intensity- The water was sprinkled full of these pretty little animals as it was on several nights below the Straits on our last trip down there.

At 9 PM- we came to anchor just off Cape Krugenstern

Sept. 6- Hotham Inlet to Chamisso Is
About 5 am- we got under way and steamed down the coast past several small summer fishing villages until off Hotham Inlet when we stopped & anchored- There was a fresh wind blowing & Capt. H. Prof. M. & I went on shore - We found that there were but some 6 to 8 tents in place of the 150 which were here when we were off this point earlier in the season
Frames were up along the shore beside