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August, 1939           THE CLEVELANDER           21              

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    put on public view for the first time. This magnificent ground review will give us a complete cross section of our mew Army air power.
The Navy swings into line with a great representation. Under command of Lieutenant Commander A. K. Morehouse we will have the eighteen plane Fighting Squadron Four, detached for this special assignment from the airplane carrier USS Ranger now stationed at Norfolk, Va.
There will be plenty of racing for the speed enthusiasts. The three main trophy events, the Bendix, Thompson and Greve are recognized around the world as annual chanpionship classics.  Another big prize list, $85,000, has been posted, which will bring into Cleveland for these three famous events the greatest racing entries in the country.
We expect a terrific duel in the Bendix Transcontinental Trophy Race between the popular Jacqueline Cochran and Frank W. Fuller, the west coast sportsman. Fuller won in record breaking time in '37. Miss Cochran beating him in a great cross country flight last year. So their battle is all even and as their 1939 mounts are almost identical in speed one of those hairline finishes may climax a great battle all the way from Los Angeles to Cleveland.
 The Greve Trophy Race brings together four of the most evenly matched racing ships ever to come up to the line in a single event. Tony Le Vier, last year's record breaking winner, and Art Chester, who finished only six seconds behind him, will renew their personal rivalry but they will have to battle it out with the terrifically fast Keith-Rider entry from the west coast and a new Folkerts ship which was recently test hopped at 320 miles an hour.
For the first time the Thompson promises a speed of 300 miles an hour for the three hundred mile grind. Turner, last year's winner at 283 miles an hour, claims to have added 25 miles to the speed of his great racing ship. He will be pressed all the way this year and will almost surely have to accomplish his cherished hopes of a 300 mile an hour record in the Thompson to repeat his 1939 triumph.
We are counting on the little foreign participation this year because of conditions in Europe, but to offset this Cliff and Phil Henderson have arranged an entirely new supporting show which far surpasses any previous year. A great lineup of new thrills and aerial comedy fill in every possible gap, with the spectacular parachute jumpers opening and closing a great program.
We are hoping that Clevelanders, both
the "regulars" and those who have not attended National Air Races in the past few years, will be on hand to help us make the show a great success, particularly on Saturday, Sept. 2nd, which has been designated All-Cleveland Day.

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            GOOD ONLY AUG. 20-SEPT. 2

This year a vacation of America's
Most Beautiful Resort is well within
your meaans! Two full weeks at The 
Greenbrier... 14 days with room,
meals and swimming pool privi-
leges included... are offered at a
special rate during the very gayest
period of all the summer at White
Sulphur Springs! Extraordinary pro-
gram of entertainment. Finest of
facilities for riding, tennis, and es-
pecially, golf. Plan your vist now-
complete information upon request.

Old White Week • Gala Dinner Dances • West Virginia Music • Fancy Dress Ball • Golf and Tennis Tourneys Lee Week • Children's Party • Show Boat Night • Art Colony Julep Party  Guest Speakers • Bridge Parties  Opera • Lee Ball

The Greenbrier Hotel

Rep.-Louis H. Alguire, Hotel Cleveland

Flying Instruction 
Learn to fly in new and modern equipment under supervision of army trained instructors. We have a reparation for thorough training in which you receive a complete, well-rounded education in every phase of aviation theory, practice, and technique 

Aircraft Service, Inc.
Dealers for Fairchild and Stinson Planes
Clear land Airport, Cleveland, Ohio 


Mechanical Instruction
Under supervision of U.S. Government Licensed mechanics and a former Chanute Field Army Air Corps Technical Instructor. A through, specialized training that assures a ready acceptance of graduated.