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Bendix Derby           
Make note for Sept to buy book*

Stackpole News Letter


Here are some of the featured books from the new Stackpole catalog for fall of 1938, just off the press, titles designed for easy, lucrative selling:

DOROTHY THOMPSON'S POLITICAL GUIDE. The [[underline]] must [[/underline]] book of the political season by America's greatest woman journalist. A political dictionary and a clearing-away of the fog which surrounds political talk. $1.25

THEIR MAJESTIES: A Royal Merry-Go-Round by Seymour Berkson. The brilliant managing editor of International News Service, has written a gay merry-go-round of a book about the kings and queens' private lives, the princes' and princesses' plots and escapades. Timely, gossipy and Graustarkian. $3.00

WAIT UNTIL SPRING, BANDINI by John Fante. A truly important novel by a young man who has won large acclaim in Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's, Story--a discovery of H. L. Mencken's American Mercury. Here is a story of Italian-Americans in the West, a novel with comedy and heart-break in its writing that is closely related to John Steinbeck's type of work. $2.50

Other titles include: LAST PORT OF CALL ($2.50) a novel by Heinrich Hauser, of Bitter Waters fame; I KILLED FOR THE LAW by Leo Sheridan ($2.00), the story of Robert Elliott, official executioner for six states; CAST OUT YOUR DEVILS ($2.00) popular solid psychology by David Seabury's assistant, Alfred Uhler; THE ADVENTURE OF MARRIAGE ($2.00) by Richard Van Norden with a preface by Dr. Joseph Jastrow, the latest in sex advice from an imaginative viewpoint; THE MUSIC QUIZ by Helmut Ripperger and Gladys Burch; Page Cooper's charming day-book of cooking, gardening, suggestions for gracious living, ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND ($2.50).


DOROTHY THOMPSON'S POLITICAL GUIDE ($1.25) from all advance indications is going to be bread and butter to the 7,500,000 readers of "the most interesting and dramatic personality among the columnists" (Margaret Marshall's article in the June 25th [[underline]] Nation [[/underline]]). Unsolicited orders from individuals and bookstores have been coming in heavily since the first announcement of the book....Donald Gordon has an advance word to say about it: "It seems to me something very needed."....Virginia Kirkus sums up the response: "This will sell. Presents the outline of her political creed, her definitions of modern political terminology, her views on the international situation, her ideals of true liberalism, and the aims towards which we should turn, her angle on women's responsibility. The book helps formulate generalizations that many are groping towards. [[underline]] A good book for plus sales. Watch it![[/underline]]


[[starred]] LOUISE THADEN, famous American woman flyer, holder of solo endurance and altitude records, winner of the American women's Air Derby in 1929, and Bendix winner in 1936, is the author of HIGH WIDE AND FRIGHTENED ($2.00) an autobiography which has been added to the Stackpole fall list, to be published in September. [[/starred]]

General News

Mrs. Virginia Mussey, formerly of the publishing firm Loring and Mussey, is driving through the Middle-West on a special selling trip for Stackpole.