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Stackpole News Letter 

From the New Yorker's Magazine's "Talk of the Town": "Every time we decide that we're being too hard on the movie industry, along comes a story that puts us right back where we started, ready to believe the worst.  As you may know, the narrative of Pare Lorentz's factual film about the Mississippi THE RIVER was published in picture and text form by Stackpole Sons.  The other day they got a letter from a Hollywood literary agency.  This agency was very much interested in Mr. Lorentz's book, THE RIVER, said the letter, and wanted to know on what terms it might be allowed to handle negotiations to have the story turned into a motion picture."  We might add that it was with considerable relish that we wrote the agency, giving them the startling information that THE RIVER was taken from an actual motion picture. 


Robert Elliott, official executioner for six states whose biography I KILLED FOR THE LAW by Leo Sheridan will be published in the fall, will appear before the Supreme Court of New York shortly.  He will relate just how a man feels when he's electrocuted.  Elliott is being subpenaed [[subpoenaed]]  as a witness in the case of Walsh vs. Cons. Edison, wherein the plaintiff touched a live wire.


Lucius Beebe in the N.Y. Herald Tribune: "That Bill Rhode, who has has had a vast social and culinary success around town duplicating the menus and recipes of royalty for dinner parties, has incorporated his recollections and the formulas of Europe's crowned heads into OF CABBAGES AND KINGS which Stackpole Sons will publish in the fall and which should be a gourmet's item of the first order." of CABBAGES AND KINGS is prices at $2.00.


THE MUSIC QUIZ ($1.25) from advance indications will be welcome as a companion volume to THE TRESSLER QUIZ.    Its authors are well known to the trade.  Helmut Ripperger, an authority on cookbooks and a good musician, is head of University Books, and Gladys Burch is the book buyer for Schirmer's Music Store in New York.


President Roosevelt received Pare Lorentz, author of THE RIVER, at the White House last week, where they discussed future plans for government produced films similar to "The River" and "The Plow That Broke the Plains".  It is understood that during July the documentary film division will move from the jurisdictional direction of the Farm Security Administration to some other government agency as yet undetermined.


Mysterious modesty on the part of Hollywood stars....famous homes of motion picture luminaries are included in THE KEY TO YOUR NEW HOME ($3.00) by Lewis Storrs.  But the stars refuse to talk....they have particularly requested the identity of the houses be held confidential.