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Stackpole News Letter

Miscellania [[Underlined]]

County Fair officials from all over the country are writing us that they would be glad to cooperate with local bookstores in any way possible on COUNTY FAIR.  Don't fail to get in touch with your local county fair secretary and obtain display material and publicity aid from him....THE RIVER was released in television by the British Broadcasting Corporation in England in four telecasts during the last month.  Orders for the book came in shortly afterwards from England....Dorothy Thompson is about to sail for a much needed vacation in Europe.  She has just received an honorary degree from Dartmouth College along with Cordell Hyll, President James B. Conant of Harvard, and others....Seymour Berkson, author of THEIR MAJESTIES : A Royal Merry-Go-Round [[underlines]] has sailed for Europe to collect a few additional facts for the last chapters of his book....Grace and Beverly Smith, co-authors with Charles Morrow Wilson of THROUGH THE KITCHEN DOOR are about return from Ireland where Mr. Smith has been collecting material for some articles....An order came in for one copy of BUAH by Marjorie Barstow Greenbie--that being evidently jabberwock for BE YOUR AGE....Phil Stong comments on the balloons being used in displaying COUNTY FAIR: "As an expert on balloons--hand-balloons--I object to these you have sent me.  A good balloon, blown up and released at the top of its voice ought to do about twenty feet.  Thirteen feet, 5 3/10 inches is the best I have been able to do with these.  They wrinkle and ruin their complexions, and the stems for Bronx Cheering, are A# Minor, which is confusing.  All balloons for light literature should be C Major.  not all of us have studied harmony.  outside of this, I think the idea is good, clean fun."....Rachel Field writes of AMERICAN VILLAGE: "I have found it a goldmine of information on the earlier American scene and all those details of domestic life which are so difficult to find--what our ancestors read and ate and wore and handled."....Library catalog cards have been issued by Wilson's for BE YOUR AGE and THE RIVER.

Interesting Reviews [[underlined]]

The New Yorker[[underlined]] on COUNTY FAIR: "Text is flavorous and funny, all about trotting horses and horseshoe pitching and such, helped out by non-arty photographs that get right to the core of the old rural fair spirit."....The New York Times Book Review [[underlined]] gives a belated and near full page review of Ernest Hauser's THE REST OF THE WORLD:  "It is so thorough in its treatment of the world crisis that no one can afford to neglect illuminating and impressive book."

New Printings [[underlined]]

THE KEY TO YOUR NEW HOME by Lewis Storrs; AMERICAN VILLAGE by Edwin Valentine Mitchell; HOW TO LOSE FRIENDS by Irving Tressler.