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Dear Doris:

It is 4-20 and we are all three back from our walk. We went down in back of Ferrins and got anemonaes, white violets, some of which your father has set out near the mountain laurel bush, some pigeon berries, cherry buds, and maiden hair fern which your father and mother have potted. It is the first day we have had a tramp for a long time and it did seem good. I am going out door again right away. I am trying to write my paper for another Saturday but I don't seem to be getting along very well but suppose it will go through after a fashion.

Several weeks ago going through the meadows I saw three tortoises sitting on one log. It made me think of the time you and I saw so many sunning themselves as we went in. I also saw a kingfisher - a fine specimen

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Your mother and I planned that we would all three  mention the arrival of the checks as we did my well-announced shampoo once upon a time but your father refuses to commit the folly. Lena. [[/left margin]]