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                                                Stoughton May 9th
Dear Doris
          It is started into be a fine day after the rainy day
of yesterday.  Am sorry that we so neglected to acknoledge those two
weeks of last week. I put that $ into the bank and it may
come handy to some of us sometime, thanks very much for the 
spirit of generosity which prompted you to remember us. I am 
not going to do very much work today as I am feeling rather tired.
I suppose it is lazy that I am.  Pa has had one of his barking 
colds that he, usually has in the spring of the years, but on 
the whole, is rather getting the best of it now I think.  Later in 
the day he and Lina will tramp off some where I suppose.
What was that you spoke about in Ilgas letter you neglected 
to send onto us, that had happned in her brothers family
that was so dreadful?  Pa and Lina are out looking at things
in the back yard there is a dogs tooth violets in bloom.  My daffodls
are doing well this spring and iris are thrifty.  all those