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the things right and left they telephone to here and she tells them to bring him home, goes into other places and does mischief Welches and tears up flowers, and they say "well thats nothing."

They seem to think that people have got to put up with him. 

I have got one more jacket to make before I send them in, they are not driving on them. I suppose Myrtie came to town yesterday they were expecting her it seemed. Alice is growing fat with nothing to do. I guess that she hates work as bad as Horace does. Myrtie is not very industrious either. she shirks care. I am glad that I like work if I didn't, I would cultivate a taste for it quick.

Percy Dykeman has bought Mrs Elmes bungalo we heard she asked eight thousand for it, but his mother told me that he didnt pay that for it. Pa said it wasnt worth half that sum. Eggs here are bringing eighty cents a doz. I have to buy them for my boarder, she cant eat anything else for breakfast they are very scarce.

If your cloth were here now, I might begin on the night dress this week, but presume you are in no hurry for it. when do you look for your old negress back again to do the washing it might be hard for you, with all the rest of your work I dont feel that you had much rest here this summer, I have run the lawn mower every week and thrown in the greater part of that wood pile Pa was so worried about. I tell you I am developing a muscle in my old age. I saw and cut up the greater part of all the wood I burn, so to save for winter. Pa since he eat his dinner has tried to get a nap for he was woke up by those Morlander kids this morning early but its no use, now Lena is trying to sleep but they are trouble noisy kids you ought to see them flat on their bellies drinking out of the bird dish they are cunning children just the same

So long   Ma.