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Stoughton Oct 13th

Dear Doris 

I must stop long enough to write the letter I have been busy all the time since I got up this morning around six o clock. I got the cloth for the nightdress Thursday noon and those crocusses arrived yesterday bright and early, thanks for the same, I have got the nightdress under way
and if you are lucky, you may the get it at the last of the week sometime. My yarn came this week Thursday the day Lena went to Worcester the teachers she was
with in Maynard had an anniversary up there Columbus
day with another teacher who lives there and Lena was invited
to stay over the week end with her so she will probably come home to night sometime. She was pleased with the idea of journeying out west with Ilga, but is a little afraid of butting in. Says there will be time
enough to write to her whe she gets back from W. She would like some one she knows to go with and 
has tried her level best to get some one interested

Transcription Notes:
The town name is Stoughton. I deleted the numbers/calculations. These were erased and aren't part of the letter. Watch out for unnecessary hyphens - the cross bar on her t's are often at the right of the letter, but these are not hyphens!