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I pity her and hope she can go with them. We are having some very changeable weather first hot then cold every thing is green but my salvias are still looking lovely. The most of the geraniums I have taken in and shall grow them up stairs all but a box to keep down cellar after I get them well started. The sun has come out at last and now its lovely. Chip needs to be sat down on occasionally else there would be no living with him. its too bad he is allowed to be there making life a hell for you and all around him. 

My cabbages are a failure not many of them are going to head up, we should have started them earlier in the game.  

Monday Mame came up and stayed to dinner she has been visiting around town all the week, and wants Lena and I to come out there to see them Ethel is poorly, heart and kidney have showed up trouble M is worried about her so long 