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We have just been to dinner, corned beef potatoes squash and mince pie and cheese, I have made a lot of mince meat lately for Lena likes mince pies and whipped cream pies I have got cream and shall have that later on in the week. It will seem good if we are ever alone again so I wont have to fuss. sometime after Jackets stop, I mean to braid rugs so to get rid of rags, if you give them to junk men you dont get any thing for them. You did not mention anything about how Sid hurt his hand, hope its nothing serious. Pa found the tulips and planted them Tuesday. he is busy now out doors our back yard looks like the devil and it frets him. another spring we hope to get it into better shape. Cohane is to blame for leaving it so. I bet you that I have sawed up over half a cord of his leavings already. I have the old chopping block now in the stove and it makes a hot fire. Winnie has taken Richard and gone down to Quills for a change, she sends the children down there to be taken care of. Mrs Quill does'nt [[doesn't]] want them, she has three of her own one a little baby. Pa has just got thru and change his clothes and its now two O'clock. he brought home from the lodge some ice cream and cake and then he had cramp till I came down and got him some Cslestin Bell tablets that does the trick every time. Ma