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I want to make some sweet pickle this week and do up my crab apples. I have some more yarn I took my work over to see Nellie and she seemed glad to see me and spoke of coming over here with may some afternoon soon. "I let into" Drake the other night about letting out his hens on my tomatoes and told him hid better shut them up, and he did. darn old fool. I have only a few green ones but I guess theres enough for our use. We rode up to Teds Tues afternoon he gave us some nice apples dead ripe, and very large they are good eating, we bake them & think they are nicer than sauce. I took the last of our grapes, after the children got at them, and made five tumblers of jellie, now there are some concords over to the other house, but are not wholly ripe. some one may get them though if we dont. This is such a lovely day I bet that you are improving it some where.  We'll to take a ride up into the Summers neighborhood this afternoon we took Sue to rid with us last Sunday. and she says that Myrtie talks of coming here in Oct. I dont know of anything more to write about so will close. Amy got home all right  so long Ma.