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Myrtie would rather stay over to Abbies isn't it funny,

We are going to have the remains of our turkey tomorrow in a fricasee, Pa was saving it along so Lena could have a taste of it our pudding is still good, we have got half of it in the front hall on the table where its cold. I went to make a fire in the heater down cellar, lighted the paper, and then discovered the damper in the funnel had gone on a blink during the summer, it had rusted out, so Pa had to bring home a new one, to night. As it is warmer to night and no Lena, we may run the little stove a spell longer it saves coal and goodness knows we'll need it before the winter is gone. I hope Sidney gets over his cold. do bundle up well going and coming it is a long cold ride you have to take twice a day this chilly weather and the worst part of the day too. Glad I wasn't there when your clothes line broke, isn't it agravating I don't know of anything that will make one madder but my line is a double one and the other one is wire. Hope you find some one to do your washing soon. You have enough work without that to do. Well it is most time for Pa to come so guess this is all I can think of this time. good bye for now. 
