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Pa gave Ralph some lettuce to carry home, as they were going to have a lunch and then go down to Nantasket. He told Pa that he would take him down some Sunday. He likes your scheme of going down to the Harbor or Murray Hill, he wants the trip on the boat somewhere he has had some pretty strenuous days since his trees were cut down, everything has piled right on upon him, it seems that his time is all taken up, and everyone is after him to do something for them. This is a great berry year and I must put up some, I have just eaten one of our first raspberries there is and many on the bushes, but they are tending up lots of new shoots for next year. there will be enough next year if nothing happens. Those cherries were dead ripe and sour, but they tasted good to Lena, and there is enough for a pie, we only got those on the lower limbs a lot will go to waste. Lena has got a new cape a very nice material and she got it for six dollars its a beauty and will save her best coat. she bought three every days dresses for a song, Pa and Lena have been titrevaling my glasses and I dont know where i left off. Well Pa is houning me for my letter so will say good day Ma.