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I have been at the Old Clock and it is going all right I spent part of today and a little at a time during the week dont know how it will go

I am trying one of those Pens w stub to day. Well we had a cold time Thursday, and Friday it was 4 below and the few inches of snow which has been on the Ground for two weeks has all been turned to Ice and is about as slippery a time as we ever had and the children here coasted on Seaver St. side walk for the last week some rather close shaves for some as they cross Chestnut St for the Autos come on them sudden. I had a short and pleasent call from Fred Southworth Friday was glad to see him he had to tell me who he was for I had not seem him for more than twenty years. I think he was starting for home. to W. for it was most trains

Transcription Notes:
Fred Southworth has been mentioned in other letters