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her out for the job but guess she likes the boys too well she dont know much. Lester Saulsbury came home yesterday his mother asked for his discharge but dont know whether he got one or not. she feels that she needs him now since her husbands death poor thing she works harder than ever now I guess. one of the girls I think went back to work this last week and the other is not fit to work she has adhesions. I heard a robin this week for the first time this year and next will be the frogs. our violets are in bloom and so are the snowdrops. I have planted some aster seeds and Pa some tomatoes today so you see all signs of spring which are gladly welcomed. We have just been to dinner I am doing Pa's washing have just put out his flannels on the line and my bread is in the pans most ready for baking, a good many irons in the fire as usual, as soon as I get my bread baked I shall be down and take a snooze for by then pa will be gone to the funeral and the house will be quiet. Welch is having his pines cut down in Adams garden, having them made into box logs, all down but six or seven. it looks odd without them we have got four or more cords of wood cut and I hope by next week to have it brought home before it gets stolen. Are you thinking of coming home this summer? by the way I had three dollars left from the underclothes and am sending it along in the letter hope by this time the box has arrived and is to your liking. started it Wed noon. All that people hear from Dennis getting along as well as could be expected - mighty private. Mrs Mayall was carried to the hospital this last week, she has been awful bad with hernia suffered terribly and according to Faxon came out of the eather all right, and is doing well as could be expected. well as there was nothing to write of any consequence will say good bye Ma.