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will know it was showery all the week every thing looks green& thrifty to day. I don't know when we have had such a cool June. Perhaps July will be hot. The gardens aroun us look lovely, mine the exception the grass around one house was mowed but I had it to rake off & carry away. Lucky I was eaqual to it, as it was about all I wanted to do. Little things use me up but after I rest up am all right. Hope I am not going to be forever complaining & a long time in dying. Lottie Crane says since Francis nailed up the barn door she does not see so many children hanging around the Blake place & says its a great pity to see the house stand idle & go to pieces as it does. They are fixing up the Stickney place in great shape inside & out it will cost a fortune to repair it & put in heat & paint. I don't know who owns it but some one who has money evidently. I can find out about it the next time Mrs. Langdon comes up here. She says that poor Mrs. Welch is treated terribly by her husband, he is crazy as every body knows. Bogswells family are here now for the summer & he won't let them (the children) go out with the the children who call there to invite the two grandchildren to their houses. Norma Gebhart & Barbara Marden, they say he is squandering away his money on foolish things he is giving away but won't let her spend anything not even for comfort. Her feet are in terrible shape, she is anything but happy & under his thumb. He is so & grows worse Lottie says. Well I would have him sent away to the insane asylum where he belongs. His eyes show a crazyness. Ma so much for getting money where he ought not to. Elenes the same.

Transcription Notes:
Edited, exchanged +'s for &'s, filled in words, corrections. Double "the" in the middle of the transcription is intentional. Numerous spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are present in the document.