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Stoughton June 25th 1936

Dear Folks
We have just been having a cold stormy day heat turned on would have been the proper caper. we had the kitchen stove which proved a blessing but in spite of that we were cold so we both went to bed early & I even put on my flannel night dress & slept in my blanket to keep warm & shut down the windows we slept sound for Mrs Harrington had been down the afternoon before & talked us dizzy she is kind as she can be, but demands your whole attention & a terrible talker. we called her up after dinner Maude called us up to say that Mort Lamb passed away early yesterday morning, so we thought the Harringtons ought to know about it. hence she came down right away & made arrangements on going & taking us to the funeral in their auto whenever it is probably not before Friday we havent heard any the particulars but presume he went out easy at the last. We are sorry for Anna as she is not well & will be left all alone to carry on but trust it